It's springtime in Oklahoma which means rain and lots of it. I don't like complaining about the rain because I feel like it is a double-edged sword--complain and it goes away then you need it. I try to take it in stride. The rain brings so much beauty to our land. Everything is green. The wheat loves it. The farmers love it, until they don't anymore!
Reasons I wish it would take a break is so that we could play a softball game or two, oh heck, why not our whole season! It makes me sleepy and unmotivated. I need sunshine to get me moving. It makes me happy, just like softball. Softball makes me happy, too!
Things that make my heart swell with the rain. It causes us to slow down. Games cancelled. Ground is too wet for anything else. We get to spend time just relaxing and enjoying the beauty in God's creation--from the land to our children. We get to take walks or rides together. We get to hear our kids laugh and get mad at the mud slinging. We get to just enjoy the beautiful land and weather.
Springtime in Oklahoma also means wheat harvest is coming. The wheat is turning. It's beautiful! The golden plains. It is one of my favorite times of the year. Farming is tumultuous. Late freezes threatened the crop again this year. Then on to storm season with the potential for your wheat to be damaged due to hail. I am sure there are many other things throughout the grow season that pose issues that I am not aware of, but I am certainly glad that I get to live in this state and enjoy the beautiful scenery daily on my drives.