Monday, November 05, 2007


Only 4 more weeks to go and boy let me tell you that I am counting down the days now....not just the weeks but the actual days...28 days.. oh hallelejuah!!!!! I am so ready.. being miserable is horrible..I am so tired.. I know that when Jacilayne gets here it will be many restless nights and every two hour feedings or diaper changes.. but heck, I will be grateful for a good 2 hours of sleep at a time... I don't think I sleep much more than 30 to 45 minutes at a time these days... oh so miserable.. Oh well, she'll be worth it! I am ready to see her!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i wake about every 2 hours right now - i'm sure it'll get worse like yours. I think maybe that's God's way to tell us, "Get ready - you're not going to sleep much anymore!!!"