Wednesday, November 05, 2014

A Little Encouragement Makes Your Day Bright!

For 3 years now, I've been able to wake up each and every morning and go to the job of my dreams.. the job that I know I was destined to do.. the job that can make me laugh and cry all in the same day hour minute.  But even with the ups and downs, sweat and tears, frustration and laughter, I truly enjoy every single minute of that 7 1/2 hour school day! It is a pure blessing and peace of heart to know that you are doing exactly what God wanted you to do with your life!

What makes my job even better though? The people I work with! I found this sweet note in my school mailbox one day! 

 Sure is nice to have someone tell you that you are doing great things, because sometimes, it doesn't feel that way! What this teacher doesn't know is that I couldn't do it without her! She makes me feel like a better teacher for always encouraging me! 

The job is hard..rigorous...exhausting...frustrating.. but with the kind words of encouragement from a co-worker, you know that all will be well.. and this put a smile on my face! Ann, you are the best and thank you for always making me smile and giving me the faith to know that I am giving 110% each day and that God does have my back! 

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