Welcome..back? That hiatus is one for the books. I cannot believe I even found this old blog or remembered the login credentials, but I certainly enjoyed reading back through my posts! Blogging, err, writing, has been on my mind a lot lately. I've been trying to decide what to write about or what platform to use as a basis for my writing. After a lot of thought, I decided, I have a lot of platforms I can use--my faith, my job, my kids, my hobbies. So be ready for a little of all of it to hit the keyboard and post!
First, let's catch up. Life is busy ALL. THE. TIME., but, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I get to watch my kids in their activities, softball/basketball/gymnastics, and they love each one! With both girls being old enough to participate in summer sports, we are now doubling up on time spent at the ball field--totally okay by me! We spend at least 4 nights a week doing something, whether it is practice, games or lessons, there is always something. Again, okay by me! When the kids decide they don't want to anymore, then okay, but for now, I will drive them wherever they want to go for whatever they want to do.
The oldest is in junior high this year. Right? I'm shocked myself. She keeps us the busiest with sports year round in school plus summer, not to mention, her swine projects in the winter. I'm biased, but she is a pretty good, well-rounded kiddo. I hope she always is. This school year has been different for her, and all of us, because of, you guessed it, COVID. She's spent her fair share of time in quarantine due to exposure and/or due to the fact that we didn't want her exposed so she could finish her last few major livestock shows. She handled it well. She is like me, in a sense, of being okay staying at home. She is also a good student, so doing school virtually for around six straight weeks was no issue for her. She has had a great year in junior high as part of the softball and basketball teams. It was great to see her on the field and the court this year. I think she will be a better player than I ever was. I don't know if that is saying a little or a lot. I hope it is saying a lot! (HA!) She has pitching lessons each week and has come so far from where she started three years ago. I love seeing the progress and how hard she is working. I hope that she keeps this passion and loves this sport as dearly as I always did have.
The youngest is a spitfire. I'm certain God gave her to me to show me patience and teach me how to live life. She started school this year, and being the social butterfly she is (that is her dad for ya), she has loved every minute of it. Her teacher is nothing short of amazing as my almost 5-year old can write her name, write her sister's name, say her days of the week, say her month's of the year, identify all her colors, recognize most of her letters, knows her letter sounds, and can count with the best of them. You might think this is nothing, but considering I thought this child was colorblind because I tried and tried to do colors with her, THIS is something!! She is definitely not her sister. I do not think I will be able to just know she is doing her work and being a good student, I think I will have to check for and force her to sit and do homework. Her sister, thank goodness, just does what she is suppose to do without being asked or told (the kid would be failing if she didn't). This little spit fire lives life to the fullest every day. She plays hard and crashes (sometimes, she literally crashes) harder. She is always happy and smiling (unless is morning), and she is so independent. We laugh (or just shake our heads) A LOT because of her! We ask "Why?" and answer our own question with, "Because it's Lo." and this is the truest statement out there. Poor kid, the patience is thin, though, but I am trying. We all are trying. She makes me smile.
We sold our house. We live in a camper, right now. We bought land. We are planning to build a house. I guess these will all be topics to write on as we navigate this process. Camper living isn't awful. There are a couple things that get frustrating, but, life is frustrating sometimes. It only teaches us to work through and be better in the end. Stay tuned for more on this front. I am sure it will be a fun journey. Our kids love it in the country already. They stay outside until dark as often as they can. It's great, especially for the youngest! She needed room to run and play and be free.
We have a great group of solid friendships. Our tribe is big. We love our tribe. Our friendships have grown over the past year. We've watched our kids' friendships grow, as well. Having a good set of friends is important in life. We enjoy being with our friends and always want and wish the best for them. It's nice to have the same support coming our way.
We are finally back to some normalcy in our church life. We enjoyed spending the year watching a live stream church our of West Monroe, Louisiana. While we enjoyed it, there is nothing like sitting in church singing praises to our Lord. We learned a lot from West Monroe and have decided we want to visit Whites Ferry Road Church of Christ in the future. The kids just started back to Sunday School classes. I think they missed it more than they realized. I am glad they love going to church, reminds me of myself when I was a kid.
There you have it. Now you are all caught up on the happenings in our life. Stay tuned for more posts and what is going on.
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