Monday, August 13, 2007

24 weeks 2 days

After the 4 weeks sick spell I had once finding out that I was pregnant, pregnancy is not such a bad experience...I am 24 weeks 2 days.... I am feeling GREAT, except being tired most of the time... I am so ready to get the crib set up and start looking for material to make the bedding for this little rascal!!! It is so exciting to think of... the only disappointing part thus far I would say is not yet feeling her move or kick, but I suppose I will in time... My mom seems to think I must have a big uterus!! hahaha.. TMI per Anita's long-time high school buddy David!! He laughed at this comment amist is TMI comment then preceded to say a big PLAYGROUND...This was a means for about 5 minutes of laughter between me and my mom!!! hahaha... What a way to put it I do suppose!! hehehe.. Anyhow, so much going on at the moment... work, school, new house, new baby, new niece or nephew!!! Such a busy end of the year start of a new year.. We NICHOLS really know how to finish out a year and ring in the new!!! I am so looking forward to my own child as well as having a new niece or nephew to call me JJ...
It is really quite amazing to me how much of a hold my niece and 2 nephews have on me at the moment. I was sitting at work this morning and went to check my cell which currently has a picture of my 1 year old nephew on it as the wallpaper... and I simply realized how incredibly special Tana, Jaron, and Lane are to me and how to hear them call me JJ and want my love and attention has to be one of the biggest gifts in my life!!!
Anyways... so 24 weeks 2 days and counting!!! She'll be here before we know it!!!


Amanda said...

i love the big playground comment! that's funny.

Joshua Nichols, MS, LMFT said...

Jess, in response to "she'll be here before we know it," I have this comment: I might be wrong, but from what I have heard, you actually be very aware of her coming. There is no way you get away with her"being here" without knowing it. Sorry for the reality check. I love you and can't wait for my niece to arrive.